
I was born in Buckinghamshire, England, on the 8th July, 1992. A Wednesday.

My father, James, worked in the city. He was often away when I was a kid, breadwinning in the cattle of 'Economy Plus'. To this day I still don't know exactly what he did — he never bored me with the facts.

My mother, Julie, worked in the film industry as a casting director for TV adverts. My whole family on that side was in the film industry. She's a great painter though, my mum. Here's one of me:

I was a spacey, daydreamy sort of child. Happiest wandering alone. Making up little stories in my head on the playground or in my bedroom, imagining myself in them. It was a long, long while before I started to type my stories out; to make them wholly real for the first time.

I hid many of the stories found on this website in shoeboxes, beneath beds, and — in one questionable case — behind a toilet cistern. I was afraid of what people might say about them, I think. Yet, through house moves, fumigations, and spring cleans, I kept them all. I'm ready to share them with the world now.

I hope you enjoy my stories. I certainly enjoy writing them, though I hesitate to take all the credit. Much of the time, it seems like I'm just as powerless as you, dear reader, in deciding what happens. Heck, I don't decide anything. The 'next bit' always just... appears from nowhere, glides down my arm, onto the page, and that's good, so there it is. It's what happened, not what I think happened, if you get me? I'm a vessel. Sorry if that sounds lofty. I can't explain it better than that.

Drop me a line sometime: hello.epwrenn@gmail.com


E. P. Wrenn.
